N16 Lugatober (Drumkilsellagh to Lugnagall) Road Development

The N16 Lugatober (Drumkilsellagh to Lugnagall) Road Development was brought through the early design and Statutory Planning stage by Sligo County Council’s National Roads Project Office Team and involved the preparation of an Environment Impact Assessment Report and a Natura Impact Statement for the route. This followed a route selection process for the full N16 in County Sligo, completed in 2017, and the subsequent design, appraisal and environmental evaluation of the Lugatober Section, between Drumkilsellagh and Lugnagall townlands.

When constructed, the Scheme will remove one of the poorest geometric sections of Sligo’s national road network. It involves the green-field realignment of just over 2.5km of National Primary Road, from the Drum Road (L3406-0) north to just past the Glencar Road (L3404-0) junction. It will reduce journey times and improve safety along the route, along with improving accessibility for vulnerable road users through the provision of dedicated cycle tracks.

Archaeological Resolution

In 2020 works continued to bring the project to a shovel ready state, this included:

  • The formalisation (Notice to Treat and Notice to Enter) of a Compulsory Purchase Order and the progression of the Land Acquisition Process;
  • The appointment of Barry Transportation to develop a detailed design and to prepare a suite of Construction Contract Documents;
  • Advanced Site Clearance and Temporary Fencing; and
  • Archaeological Resolution.

All of these works are now substantially complete and it is hoped (subject to TII funding) that the works can progress to Construction in the later part of 2020.

Further information in relation to the project can be found at www.sligococo.ie/n16lugatober.